The Colossus Of Children. Children of Colossus is a VR action game for HTC Vive. It was mostly some quick concepts and sketches to show ideas for some locations in the game.

Shoot an arrow into that glowing spot, and it will drop to a knee. Watch the bottoms of its feet (hooves?) as it walks. Children of Colossus is a VR action game for HTC Vive.
All the player can rely on are one wand and one sword, he must move or squat to dodge the attack of colossus, and take chance to attack the.
Children of Colossus is a VR action game for HTC Vive.
For Children of Colossus on the PC, the GameFAQs information page shows all known release data and credits. All the player can rely on are one wand and one sword, he must move or squat to dodge the attack of colossus. Children of Colossus is a VR action game for HTC Vive.