The Taxpayers Get Their Moneys Worth. The group monitors federal spending and issues reports, research, and analyses on spending and taxation it believes to be in excess. The Taxpayers Protection Alliance is a non-profit advocacy group based in Washington, D.

The Conservative government says the money went to good use. Americans allocate about the same percentage of their total household spending for entertainment as they did during the Great Depression, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. His revealing military experiences demonstrates that US taxpayers are getting their moneys worth with the elite members of the US Army as well as the elite members of the other US military branches..more.
However, dealing with a bureaucracy the size of.
Compounding their frustration is the fact that Members of Congress receive pay and benefits far in excess of what average working Americans receive.
The TaxPayers' Alliance is Britain's independent, grassroots campaign for lower taxes. The IRS is first sending money to those for whom it has bank account information on file. It cuts benefits or revises its strategy, say to eliminate distributions for retirees above a certain net worth ceiling.