Handicap. Getting a handicap will help make your matches fair by. Handicap definition, a race or other contest in which certain disadvantages or advantages of weight, distance, time, etc., are placed upon competitors to equalize their chances of winning.

A handicap is a measure of a golfer's potential ability compared to an expert amateur's ability. Define handicap. handicap synonyms, handicap pronunciation, handicap translation, English dictionary definition of handicap. hinder, impede, incapacitate; to place at a disadvantage: His. How Does a Single Handicap Work?
Handicap definition: A handicap is a physical or mental disability.
Today Handicapped or handicap may refer to: Handicapping, various methods of levelling the outcome in a competitive sport or game: Handicap race (disambiguation).
At the initial stage, handicap allows to equalize competitors' chances if the chalk has obvious. Define handicap. handicap synonyms, handicap pronunciation, handicap translation, English dictionary definition of handicap. hinder, impede, incapacitate; to place at a disadvantage: His. Getting a handicap will help make your matches fair by.